
Foster Climate-smart Disaster Laws and Policies Ensuring that Most Vulnerable are Reached

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Jointly with the RA government, we pledge to:


  • Foster the improvement of disaster laws and policies to make them climate-smart and ensure that most vulnerable are reached

B) Plan de acción

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Environment, DRR National Platform support the improvement of existing disaster laws and policies in the subject of being climate-smart
  • Advocate for integration of innovative approaches to disaster risk management in the laws and policies, such as forecast based financing, cash and vouchers to assist affected people
  • Participate in the discussion of the law on Civil Protection and advocate for addressing the rights and specific needs of the people
  • Actively participate in relevant meetings and initiatives
  • Cooperate with IFRC for getting support through technical assistance, capacity building, the development of tools, models and guidelines, advocacy, ongoing research and promotion of the sharing of experiences and best practices among countries, as well as for raising resources

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Environment, DRR National Platform support the improvement of existing disaster laws and policies in the subject of being climate-smart
  • Advocate for integration of innovative approaches to disaster risk management in the laws and policies, such as forecast based financing, cash and vouchers to assist affected people
  • Participate in the discussion of the law on Civil Protection and advocate for addressing the rights and specific needs of the people
  • Actively participate in relevant meetings and initiatives
  • Cooperate with IFRC for getting support through technical assistance, capacity building, the development of tools, models and guidelines, advocacy, ongoing research and promotion of the sharing of experiences and best practices among countries, as well as for raising resources

D) Recursos requeridos:

Technical support, available materials, experts experience, consultation

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.