
Switzerland: Report on Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel

Acciones tomadas:

  • Switzerland continues to support the Center of Competence in humanitarian negotiations (ICRC, UNHCR; WFP, MSF, HD) in Geneva. Negotiation capacities at the frontlines are an important factor regarding the security and safety of humanitarian workers, including volunteers.
  • Switzerland supports endeavours to disseminate IHL, especially to armed groups. This can contribute to the security of humanitarians / volunteers.
  • Switzerland stresses the importance of full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution on Attacks on hospitals (Res 2286). Often, volunteers are involved in medical activities. Therefore, engagements for the protection of the medical mission also protect volunteers.

Switzerland advocates for the non-criminalisation of medical assistance as well as principled humanitarian action more generally in counter-terrorism contexts. This is an important aspect to protect volunteers from prosecution and to ensure that principled humanitarian engagements can continue in such contexts.

Finalización de la ejecución:

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