
Report on IHL training to Armed Forces and IHL integration into internal regulations – Georgia

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Georgia undertakes to ensure that personnel of the Armed Forces are permanently trained on IHL and IHL is integrated into internal regulations.


Georgian defense forces receive permanent trainings on International Humanitarian law within the cooperation plan that exists between the Ministry of Defense and International Committee of the Red Cross. Courses on IHL are also provided to those soldiers that are sent to military missions.
Georgian armed forces publications cover International Humanitarian Law issues. The following handbooks “Handbook on International Rules Governing Military Operations”; “Operations conducted by law enforcement Agencies” and “Peace Support Operations” (for those units that take part in peace operations) have been translated and are used as operation sources.

International Humanitarian Law norms are incorporated and systematically developed in the Field Operation Handbooks, and in Handbooks for Individual tasks of soldiers.
The Ministry of Defence of Georgia lays down the International Humanitarian Law principles in all legal documents. The principles of IHL are formulated in normative acts as well as in confidential and non-confidential military orders.

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