
Strengthening compliance with International Humanitarian Law

A) Objetivos de la promesa

In accordance with the resolution on ‘Strengthening compliance with International Humanitarian law’ adopted at the 32nd International Conference, the Belgian authorities will continue to strongly support the establishment of an effective mechanism on strengthening compliance with international humanitarian law. They will continue to participate in the intergovernmental process in order to find agreement on features and functions of a potential forum of States and to find ways to enhance the implementation of international humanitarian law. The Belgian authorities and the Belgian Red Cross pledge to consult each other during the intergovernmental process.

B) Plan de acción

    • The Belgian authorities support the establishment of an effective compliance mechanism, especially a forum of States on international humanitarian law and participate actively in the intergovernmental process.


    • The Belgian authorities and the Belgian Red Cross regularly exchange information during the period of the intergovernmental process about the establishment of an effective mechanism on strengthening compliance with international humanitarian law.




C) Indicadores para medir los avances:


D) Recursos requeridos:


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