
Support to Swiss Initiative on strengthening compliance with international humanitarian law

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Austria pledges to support the undertaking made by the Depositary, in accordance with its announcement made at the Conference of the 60th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, to facilitate a process with the High Contracting Parties and in collaboration with the ICRC, aiming at:

– Exploring and identifying concrete ways and means to strengthen the application of International Humanitarian Law, including the question of implementation mechanisms;

– Reinforcing dialogue on International Humanitarian Law issues among High Contracting Parties and other interested actors.

B) Plan de acción

Austria participated in the efforts of states supporting improved compliance with international humanitarian law, in meetings devoted to this purpose and through awareness raising, both internationally and domestically.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:


D) Recursos requeridos:


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