
Diversification of participating actors in Humanitarian Assistance

A) Objetivos de la promesa

The Viet Nam Red Cross Society pledges to focus and encourage different stakeholders from private sector, donors, organizations, communities and individuals to work together to increase collective impact in resilience-building in communities world-wide.

The objective to be achieved in the period  2019 – 2023: The VNRC will make its best effort at national and local level to encourage and support the ability of individuals, communities, organizations and countries to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impact of disasters, hazards and underlying vulnerabilities, so that those vulnerable people are able to cope with and recover from the effects of shocks and stresses, minimizing the impact on their long-term well-being. The VNRC will implement a number of programs/campaigns to achieve that objective, such as the “Tet for the poor and Agent Orange victims”, the “Month on Humanitarian Actions” and the “Each organization, each individual to assist one humanitarian address” campaign.


B) Plan de acción

  • To continue working to ensure Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation remains a top priority, to take action in anticipation of events, integrate Disaster Risk Reduction in response preparedness and ensure that capacities are in place for effective response and recovery at all levels.
  • To continue empowering women, vulnerable group and promote gender equitable and universally accessible response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction approaches.
  • To integrate new and innovative approaches to disaster risk management, including Forecast-based-Financing, Cash-based-Assistance, Shelter, and Disaster Risk Management in urbanization context.
  • To implement campaigns, movements, programs to assist the vulnerable people in the communities through different types of assistance and support.
  • To further develop community-based health care and first aid as well as blood donations campaigns.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

The detail indicators will be based on the Strategy 2030 and vision 2045 of the Vietnam Red Cross, which is in progress of developing.

D) Recursos requeridos:

The resources for implementing the pledge will be raised from the  Government, organizations (international and domestic), partners, corporate, companies.

The staff, members, youth and volunteers will contribute to the implement of the Pledge.

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