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Promoting international humanitarian law principles and values while commemorating the 140th Anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Red Cross

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Objective of the pledge: The Government of Hungary and the Hungarian Red Cross pledge to commemorate the 140th Anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Red Cross while promoting humanitarian values and principles

Content of the pledge:  The Government and the national society will closely cooperate to organize an IHL round table discussion with the participation of neighboring/V4 countries to give an insight into the achievements and challenges of the national Red Cross Societies/Red Cross Movement in order to protect humanitarian values and principles

B) Plan de acción

– discuss important topics of international humanitarian law whilst initiating social dialogue


– express national positions how to strengthen respect for IHL, identify recent challenges, legislation related issues


– share practical aspects, good practices, experiences of the functioning of the National Committees


– consider the role of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – cooperation with government, auxiliary role


– provide an opportunity to explore the possibility of formulating joint positions in areas of international humanitarian law and fostering coordination among V4 countries


C) Indicadores para medir los avances:


D) Recursos requeridos:

The Government of Hungary and the Hungarian Red Cross will determine the resources that may be required to support the implementation of this pledge based on actions to be taken in their specific context.