
Report on Armed forces training on the UNSC resolution 1325 and follow up resolutions, on PSEA and gender equality – Gerogia

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Georgia undertakes to ensure that personnel of the Armed Forces, including personnel participating in international operations before their deployment, are trained on UNSC resolution 1325 and follow up resolutions, zero-tolerance towards sexual abuse, gender equality.


The Ministry of Defense of Georgia actively participates in implementing the National Action Plan on UNSC Resolution 1325, in order to advocate Women`s Participation, Protection, and Violence Prevention.
In 2017, Ministry of Defense of Georgia together with DCAF and with partnership of UK and Spanish Ministry of Defense started the project “Women, Peace and Security in the Georgian Defense Forces: Organizational Assessment”, which was funded and supported by NATO SPS program. The project aimed at building MOD capacity to design, develop and execute gender related organizational climate studies and elaborate recommendations; to improve gender balance and reduce barriers for women within the Georgian Defense Forces, contributing to Georgia’s strategic objectives to implement UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and Related Resolutions.
The Ministry of Defense of Georgia is engaged in integrating gender perspectives in education and trainings. Since 2014, training on gender perspectives, UNSC resolution 1325 and following Resolutions have become the part of pre-deployment trainings. 6 000 military service men and women have been trained up until now.
New articles, about sexual harassment have been added to the decree (N537, December, 2017) of the Government of Georgia on “Disciplinary Charter of Military Servicemen of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia” (N124, 17 March, 2016) which entered into force in 2018.
In June 2018, Defense Minister of Georgia issued a decree, according to which the electronic training course – “Elimination of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”, for the prevention of gender and sexual violence and harassment at the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, has become mandatory for all employees (civil staff, officers, corporal sergeants).

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