
Working towards domestic legal and practical measures conducive to protecting health care from violence in armed conflict or other emergencies

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Considering Resolutions 5 of the 31st, and Resolution 4 of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the signatories of this pledge aim to work on the analysis of existing relevant domestic legislation and its practice of implementation and towards changes in this regard, as necessary for providing an environment conducive to improve protection of health-care providers from violence.

B) Plan de acción

  • Carry out or support the analysis of the quality of existing domestic legislation against the backdrop of specific protection concerns in relation to health-care providers identified in the respective context
  • Identify specific recommendations for adopting new or improved legislation or for contributing to the implementation of practice related to existing legislation that will be conducive towards improved protection of health-care providers from violence.
  • Engage, as appropriate, in domestic processes to adopt new or amend existing legislation, or in efforts to change behavior of those called upon to implement legislation (police, weapon bearers, civil servants etc.) and health-care providers affected by such behavior


C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

  • Number and quality of analyses of domestic legislation showing gaps in existing legislation and/or implementation practice and recommendations to address them;
  • Number of concrete legislative initiatives started to adopt new or amend existing legislation;
  • Number and type of mechanisms for monitoring implementation of legislation to better protect health-care providers from violence

D) Recursos requeridos:


El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.