للتواصل معنا

Reducing sexual and gender-based violence in emergencies

ا)‌ أهداف التعهد

The Government and National Society of New Zealand jointly pledge:

    • within our respective mandates as well as within the context of New Zealand’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security as relevant, to work for prevention and greater awareness of sexual and gender-based violence during humanitarian crises, including by promoting protection of persons from sexual and gender-based violence under the relevant bodies of law; and


    • To take active measures to seek to ensure appropriate prevention of, and response to, sexual and gender-based violence in the planning, delivery and monitoring of humanitarian assistance activities.


ب) خطة العمل:

Proposed evaluation criteria:

    • acknowledgement of the issue of sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises and promotion of IHL and other legal protections from sexual and gender-based violence at relevant meetings and fora, internationally and domestically, including in IHL dissemination efforts;


    • internationally and domestically, gender-sensitive approaches to programming for humanitarian assistance that:


– promote women’s empowerment and gender equality, including through the representation of women in processes related to the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of our humanitarian programming, and through identifying opportunities for and obstacles to building the resilience of women; and

– engage with and support as appropriate existing organisations/structures working on or providing services in response to sexual and gender-based violence, working to ensure their continued resilience and service continuity in times of emergency; so as to seek to ensure unimpeded access to non-discriminatory support services required at all times;

    • New Zealand Red Cross publication of a best practice guide or resource materials to help inform prevention of and response to sexual and gender-based violence in disaster preparedness, response and recovery, based in part on lessons learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes response.


ج) مؤشرات قياس التقدم المحرز


د) الآثار المترتبة على الموارد:


لا يمكن تحميل اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر واللجنة الدائمة للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر، بصفتها الجهاز المفوض من قبل المؤتمر الدولي للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر (المؤتمر)، بأي شكل كان المسؤولية عن أي محتوى أو مشاركات منشورة من قبل المستخدمين في قاعدة البيانات هذه. يحتفظ فريق الموقع الالكتروني بحق إزالة أي مشاركة أو محتوى في حال تنافيا مع المبادئ الأساسية للحركة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر و / أو مع أهداف المؤتمر.