الإجراءات المتخذة:
- Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Management are important issues for SRC in the field of international cooperation.
- SRC adopted its new Disaster Risk Management Policy in 2016. The policy forms the basis for further conceptual orientation towards resilience of SRC international cooperation and humanitarian aid activities.
- Where relevant, DRR was included in all “SRC international cooperation programs 2017-2020”.
- 2018/19, SRC is developing tools for further mainstreaming and monitoring DRR in its projects and the training of field personal and partner organizations: DRR Concept, Guidelines for Hazard- and Risk Assessment, DRR and CCA Mainstreaming Guidelines (including the elaboration and implementation of a monitoring system regarding DRR mainstreaming).
- Specific support for the development of expertise in the field and with partner organizations: field visits & trainings took place in Ghana (Autumn 2017), Bolivia (Autumn 2018), Haiti (March 2019), Honduras and El Salvador (Mid-2019), Ecuador and Paraguay (Autumn 2019).
- SRC focuses on ecosystem-based DRR and adaptation to yield multiple benefits beyond increased protection against hazard and climate risks and has produced a couple of instructive videos in the contexts of Haiti and Honduras, displayed on the SRC YouTube channel.
- SRC has been and is financially and technically supporting the IFRC in the development of the EVCA, Roadmap to Resilience, Resilience Dashboard.
- SRC takes into account international and multilateral frameworks like the IDRL guidelines and resolutions, the Sendai Framework, COP 21, Cali one billion coalition for resilience and the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.