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Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 4: Restoring Family Links while respecting privacy, including as it relates to personal data protection (33IC/19/R4) – Pakistan Red Crescent Society

  1. هل الدولة/ الجمعية الوطنية/المؤسسة أدرجت الالتزامات الواردة في هذا القرار في الخطط الاستراتيجية أو التشغيلية ذات الصلة؟


    أُدرجت الالتزامات في كل مما يلي
    الخطط التشغيلية

    على المستوى الدولي, المستوى الإقليمي, المستوى الوطني, المستوى المحلي المستو



    PRCS has integrated the principles of data protection into its overall strategic plan, ensuring that data privacy and security are prioritized in all humanitarian response initiatives. This includes the development and use of a data protection app and a comprehensive checklist with detailed steps to ensure adherence to data protection standards.

    Operational Plan/Roadmap

    The operational plans of PRCS include specific protocols and procedures for managing data protection. These protocols ensure that all actions are in compliance with the resolution’s commitments, focusing on Implementation Notice, Capacity Building, Code of Conduct, that all are in our current and future plans.

  2. هل الدولة/ الجمعية الوطنية/المؤسسة تعمل مع شركاء آخرين من أجل تنفيذ الالتزامات الواردة في هذا القرار ؟


    عملت في شراكة مع:
    الحكومة و/أو السلطات العامة
    اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر / الاتحاد الدولي

    أمثلة على التعاون مع شركاء:

    Government Authorities:

    Collaborating on legislative advocacy and policy development to ensure legal frameworks support PRCS’s data protection efforts. This partnership ensures that all legal aspects of data privacy are upheld, facilitating the protection of personal data in all PRCS activities.


    Participating in regional meetings, sharing lessons learned, and receiving technical assistance and guidance to enhance PRCS’s operational capacity in data protection. Specifically, with the ICRC, PRCS is an active member of the Data Protection Working Group. This group allows PRCS to implement and monitor data protection measures effectively according to a comprehensive checklist. This checklist helps contextualize and apply international data protection guidelines to PRCS’s specific operational environment, ensuring robust and consistent data privacy practices.

  3. هل واجهتم أية تحديات في تنفيذ الالتزامات الواردة في هذا القرار ؟


    تحديات بشأن:
    غياب المعرفة/الخبرات المحددة
    غياب القدرات و/أو الدعم (الدعم التقني أو المالي أو غيره)
    غير ذلك

    تفاصيل عن هذه التحديات:

    Currently, there is no comprehensive data protection law or policy in place. This absence necessitates continuous efforts to educate and remind people about the risks and harms associated with inadequate data protection.

    RFL is a relatively new area of focus for PRCS. Therefore, integrating data protection into RFL efforts must be made a priority in both current and future plans.

    There is a significant need for orientation and capacity-building efforts from top to bottom, including governance, staff, volunteers, and the community. Ensuring that everyone involved understands the importance of data protection and how to implement it effectively is crucial.

  4. هل كان للالتزامات الواردة في هذا القرار أي آثار على عمل الدولة/ الجمعية الوطنية/المؤسسة وإدارتها؟


    نوع التأثير:
    غير ذلك

    تفاصيل عن هذا التأثير:

    We prioritize obtaining informed consent from all individuals involved in our programs. This practice reinforces our commitment to respecting individuals’ rights and upholding the principles of data protection and privacy.

    PRCS consistently strives to adhere to the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. We maintain neutrality to gain the trust of all sides involved in conflicts or disasters. as well as focus on the “Do No Harm” Principle,  This means we take all necessary precautions to avoid causing additional harm or suffering through our interventions and uphold the highest standards of care and protection for those we serve. We ensure that our aid is provided without favouritism or bias, focusing solely on the needs of the affected individuals and communities.

  5. 5- هل كان للالتزامات الواردة في هذا القرار أي آثار على المجتمعات المحلية التي تستفيد من خدمات الدولة/ الجمعية الوطنية/المؤسسة؟


    وصف هذا التأثير:

    Reuniting Families: PRCS efforts have facilitated the reunification of separated families, providing relief and emotional support to community members affected by conflicts, disasters, or migration.

    Respecting Privacy: Community members have benefitted from PRCS’s commitment to protecting personal data and privacy rights during the process of restoring family links, ensuring confidentiality and dignity.

    Building Trust: By adhering to international standards in RFL operations, PRCS has built trust within communities, enhancing their confidence in humanitarian services and promoting cooperation during crises.

    Raising Awareness: PRCS initiatives have raised awareness among community members about their rights regarding family reunification and privacy, empowering them to seek assistance confidently during times of need.

    Strengthening Social Fabric: Successful RFL outcomes contribute to the social cohesion and resilience of communities, fostering a sense of solidarity and support among members facing family separation challenges.

    These are our current practices and its impacts on community which we will ensure in the future as well

لا يمكن تحميل اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر واللجنة الدائمة للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر، بصفتها الجهاز المفوض من قبل المؤتمر الدولي للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر (المؤتمر)، بأي شكل كان المسؤولية عن أي محتوى أو مشاركات منشورة من قبل المستخدمين في قاعدة البيانات هذه. يحتفظ فريق الموقع الالكتروني بحق إزالة أي مشاركة أو محتوى في حال تنافيا مع المبادئ الأساسية للحركة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر و / أو مع أهداف المؤتمر.