
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Volunteers are at the heart of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and their safety, security and well-being are critical to the success of its mission. Yet, research by the IFRC has shed light on gaps in our support for the risks faced by humanitarian volunteers who are increasingly operating within highly fragile situations, complex emergencies or protracted conflicts. These include stigma and danger, lack of access to essential equipment and training, psychological distress and overall low insurance and other “safety net” coverage rates. In 2015, Resolution 5 of the 32nd International Conference identified these problems and set out commitments by Movement actors and states to take measures to solve them.

This pledge reinforces the commitments of the Resolution 5 to ensure the safety, security and wellbeing of volunteers and to ensure that volunteers (or their families) are properly compensated in case of volunteers’ injury or death while on duty. In the latter respect, a new global solution is needed to fill unavoidable gaps in coverage in cases where National Societies lack the means to provide it. A private sector solution utilized by the IFRC through a contract with a global insurance provider has proven challenging to ensure adequate and timely coverage.

B) Action plan:

We pledge to:

  • Allocate adequate and predictable resources for the safety, security and well-being of volunteers;
  • Collaborate in exploring the development of a global solidarity fund for Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers suffering death or injury while on duty in settings where insurance coverage is inadequate;
  • Strengthen existing efforts to provide volunteers in a timely manner with appropriate safety and security related information, training, protective equipment and psychosocial support;

C) Indicators for measuring progress:


D) Resource implications:

It is expected that a minimum of 200,000 CHF would be required for development costs of the new solidarity fund. This includes the cost of setting up the Solidarity Fund (including personnel) and seed capital for the first year of reimbursement of claims.


Spanish, French and Arabic translation: 33IC-Open-Pledge-safety-and-wellbeing-volunteers_es-and-fr_ar.docx 

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