Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 5: Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (33IC/19/R5) – German Red Cross

Has your State/National Society/Institution incorporated the commitments contained in this resolution into the relevant strategic or operational plans?


The commitments are incorporated into:
Operational plan

At the National level


The German Red Cross (GRC) has taken measures to implement the Resolution “Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement”. As the GRC developed its Strategy 2030, it incorporated gender balance issues within the broader topic of “diversity”. One of the strategy’s subgoals highlights the objective of the GRC to reflect the diversity of German society (in line with operative paragraphs (OPs) 1 and 3 of the Resolution). Diversity and women’s leadership are also being discussed in the context of the revision of the GRC’s Statutes.

The GRC General Secretariat has joined the “Together against Sexism” alliance, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and a Berlin-based independent consulting and research institute working to counter sexism (“Europäische Akademie für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft”). The alliance aims to identify sexism and sexual harassment, to take steps to address these issues, and to establish effective countermeasures. This is to ensure that all women and men feel safe and have equal opportunities in their workplaces (in line with OP 4).

As part of the project “Diversity in the German Red Cross: The path to an inclusive, diverse and discrimination-critical organizational environment”, funded by the European Social Fund, GRC leadership staff and managers are being offered qualification courses from 2024 onwards. Approaches to diversity-sensitive and inclusive leadership will be considered, as well as how equal and participatory structures and processes can be designed (OPs 1 and 4).

Has your State/National Society/Institution been working with other partners to implement the commitments contained in this resolution?


Partner with:
Government and/or public authorities

Examples of cooperation:

The GRC General Secretariat became a member of the ‘Together against Sexism alliance,’ which receives funding from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, as well as a Berlin-based independent consulting and research institute dedicated to combating sexism. Stakeholders from various sectors such as business, public administration, culture, media, and civil society are involved in the alliance. Alliance participants commit to taking effective action against sexism in companies, organizations, and the public sphere, and to provide support for those affected.

Have you encountered any challenges in implementing the commitments contained in this resolution?


With challenges on:
Human resources
Lack of capacity and/or support (technical, financial, or other)

Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the work and direction of your State/National Society/Institution?


Type of Impact:
Innovative tools/methodologies have been developed and are utilized
Training and capacity of staff and volunteers has increased (for National Societies)

Details about the impact:

Management will be involved in courses regarding diversity and inclusion and new alliances and techniques to promote this important topic have been forged.

Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the communities that your State/National Society/Institution serves?


Description of the impact:

Measures are adopted in the conviction that communities benefit if GRC reflects the diversity of German society, as expressed in GRC Strategy 2030.