Supplementing normative information on Polish legislation implementing provisions of instruments of international humanitarian law

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Republic of Poland and its National Red Cross Society (PRC) maintaining a long-standing partnership relations in the promotion, dissemination and implementation
of international humanitarian law, undertake to constantly update normative information on Polish legislation implementing provisions of international humanitarian law instruments on the website of the International Committee of the Red Cross: National Practice – National Implementation of IHL (

B) Action plan:

continuation of the work of the Commission for International Humanitarian Law, operating at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commission for the International Humanitarian Law Dissemination, operating at the Governing Board of the Polish Red Cross in the area of exchange of information and consultation

– strengthening cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross in the scope
of providing information on Polish legislation implementing provisions of international humanitarian law instruments

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

– implementation of new forms of disseminating IHL

– an increase of knowledge and respect for IHL regulations in society

D) Resource implications:

Republic of Poland and the Polish Red Cross will determine the human, financial and technical resources that may be required to support the implementation of this pledge based on actions to be taken