Strengthening the Statutory Base of National Societies

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Strengthening National Societies’ Statutes or Constitutions. [By  December 2016, we the National Society of  Liberia pledge to adopt/revise or strengthen our statutory and policy base instruments (Statutes or Constitution, by-laws, etc.) in line with agreed standards within the Movement, including the “Guidance for National Societies Statutes” and with relevant resolutions, rules or policies agreed upon within the Movement, with particular attention to

    • the commitment of National Societies to abide at all times with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement;


    • the distinct status and privileged relationship of a National Society with their public authorities, in particular a National Society’s auxiliary role in the humanitarian field;


    • the use of the emblems in accordance with the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, the 1991 Emblem Regulations and relevant national legislation;


    • the composition, responsibilities, procedures and rules on rotation applicable to the National Society’s central governing bodies;


    • the respective governance and management functions within a National Society and the importance of establishing a proper balance of responsibilities between the Society’s central and branch-level governing bodies;


    • the rights and duties of a National Society’s membership and volunteers and the requirement that membership be open to all without adverse distinction; and to


    • the branch structure, especially the procedures for the creation of branches, how they are governed and the relationship between the branches and headquarters.


B) Action plan:

Action plan and proposed measures:

    • Develop a strategy that is inclusive and allows for the engagement of the Society’s membership, staff and volunteers at all levels;


    • Establish a senior level Advisory Committee entrusted to guide the process of development/revision of your National Society’s Statutes, Constitution and/or relevant by-laws;


    • Establish a drafting Committee associating all concerned departments (such as the National Society’s legal department or corporate lawyer, financial department, Youth and volunteers’ Department, etc.);


    • Inform the Branches of the Legal/Constitutional base reform process and ensure their proper consultation and input;


    • Inform and consult with the ICRC Delegation and International Federation representatives in your country or region of the different stages of development of the new Statutes or Constitution; consult with the Joint ICRC/International Federation Statutes Commission and take the Commission’s recommendations into account before submitting the draft new Statutes or revisions to the General Assembly for adoption;


    • Ensure that the draft revisions or new draft Statutes/Constitution reflect the minimum standards agreed upon within the Movement, including the “Guidance document for National Societies Statutes”;


    • Ensure that the strengthening of your Society’s statutory and policy base instruments is properly reflected in your Society’s organisational development processes, including in the conduct and implementation of any actions and recommendations stemming from the OCAC and/or Safer Access assessments.


C) Indicators for measuring progress:


D) Resource implications:
