
Strengthening resilience-building and early recovery of climate displaced communities

A) Objectives of the pledge:

This pledge relates to the International Conference theme “Shifting vulnerabilities – Humanitarian Consequences of Climate Change”.


The effects from extreme weather disasters, exacerbated by climate change, will lead to further displacement of millions of people in the coming years. As levels of displacement are increasing, so will the need for humanitarian help. Already, on average more than 25 million people are affected every year by sudden onset disasters, each disaster exacerbating existing vulnerabilities, increasing the urgency to respond and adapt.


Growing levels of climate-related displacement, not least in conflict-affected contexts, create a double-burden and vulnerability of these communities and an increase in need of protection and assistance. The intersection of conflict and climate risks puts additional pressure on local and national systems, frequently with devastating impacts on the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of already poor communities. In responding to these challenges, there is need to work more effectively and efficiently within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and strengthen the coherence between and across the three dimensions.


Currently, there is a gap in knowledge about triggers of displacement following climate-related disaster. A better understanding of these triggers could benefit and strengthen the conventional response in weather-related events, such as flooding and cyclones and improve the early recovery phase and contribute to durable solutions.


Building on experiences from existing pilot initiatives and a study on triggers of displacement caused by sudden onset-disasters conducted by Danish Red Cross, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Danish Red Cross aim to strengthen the knowledge of climate-related displacement and support measures to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change and the intersection with conflict.


The time frame of this pledge is 2019-2023.

B) Action plan:

To support the resilience-building strategies of communities affected by climate-related displacement, the signing partners will work towards strengthening the knowledge and tools for responding to climate-related displacement in the intersection between conflict and climate risks, through the following actions:


  1. Within the framework of their strategic partnership, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will support Danish Red Cross’ work on strengthening data collection and analysis, including community level assessments, to better understand and address humanitarian needs resulting from displacement linked to effects of climate change, including triggers of movement and analysis of internal and cross border displacement;
  2. To the extent relevant utilise study findings and approaches as part of general learning on how to address triggers of displacement – through in national, regional and international policy forums, and in collaboration with Danish civil society organisation;
  3. Promote the inclusion of displaced communities in climate change adaptation, emergency preparedness, response and recovery activities and plans.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

  1. Study done on vulnerabilities and triggers of climate-related displacement in the intersection of conflict and climate risks.
  2. Events, meetings and seminars where study findings and experiences from trigger-based actions have been promoted at national, regional and international level.
  3. National adaption plans and / or emergency preparedness, response and recovery frameworks where support has been given to include displacement related vulnerabilities.

D) Resource implications:

There will be costs associated with the study and possible joint events, meetings or seminars.



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