A) Objectives of the pledge:
This pledge is made in alignment with Resolution 1 of the 34th International Conference on Building a universal culture of compliance with international humanitarian law. The resolution highlights the growing practice of States voluntarily publishing reports on their domestic implementation of IHL and encourages more States to engage in this practice, with the support from National IHL Committees, the National Societies or the ICRC as appropriate. It encourages those who have already published a voluntary report, to consider regularly updating it. The Resolution also calls for contributions to the United Nations for the Secretary-General’s biennial report on the Status of the Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions.
Such reporting plays a crucial role in enhancing understanding of IHL, fostering dialogue on IHL issues domestically and internationally, and encouraging transparency. By sharing details of their IHL implementation activities, States and National Societies can identify good practices and collectively improve compliance with IHL at the national level.
In support of these efforts, this pledge also contributes to the objectives of a side event at the 34th International Conference, hosted by the ICRC, UK FCDO, British Red Cross, Italian MFA, Italian Red Cross, Ukrainian MOD, Ukrainian Red Cross and the Swiss FDFA. Through discussion of the numerous experiences of drafting voluntary reports across the globe, the side event aims to facilitate dialogue on the good practices, challenges and opportunities of voluntary reporting.
- Examples of existing national and regional implementation reports:
- Belgium: (in Frenchand Dutch)
- Costa Rica in Spanish
- Canada in English
- Denmark: available in Danish
- Bulgaria: available in Bulgarian, with summary in Bulgarianand in English
- Germany: available in English
- Italy: available in Italian and in English
- Poland: four period reports available in Polish and in English (all links on the same page)
- Romania: available in Romanianand in English
- Sweden: available in Swedish
- Switzerland: available in English, French, German and Italian
- Ukraine: available in English
- United Kingdom: available in English – first edition and second edition
- Eighth periodic report on the implementation of international humanitarian law at the level of Arab States 2015 – 2018: available in Arabic and in English
- Implementing IHL in West Africa: Participation of West African Countries in international humanitarian law treaties and their national implementation: available in English and in French
- Implementing IHL: Participation of the American States in IHL treaties and their national implementation: available in Englishand in Spanish
- ICRC Voluntary Reports Website: https://www.icrc.org/en/document/voluntary-reports-domestic-implementation-ihl
- UK and British Red Cross implementation report toolkit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/international-humanitarian-law-implementation-report-toolkit
The (first edition) version of the toolkit (based on the first edition UK Voluntary Report) is currently available in:
- Arabic
- Chinese
- French
- Portuguese (European and Brazilian)
- Russian
B) Action plan:
- Working together as appropriate, signatory States and National Societies, pledge to take the following actions ahead of the 35th International Conference:For those States that have not yet produced a voluntary report on the domestic implementation of IHL:
- Research: Commission research on domestic activities related to IHL implementation, collaborating with the relevant National IHL Committee, Commission or National Society where appropriate.
- Compilation and publication: Compile and, the findings from this research to provide a clear overview of domestic activities to implement IHL.
- Accessibility: Consider making the results of the research publicly available, including through using online platforms such as official governmental websites, to increase accessibility to a wide audience.
- Evaluation: Identify potential areas to improve the domestic implementation of IHL, if necessary, and inform the National IHL Committee or Commission of these areas, as appropriate.
- Model Reports: Consider using existing implementation reports as a model for such compiling and publishing of domestic findings.
- Toolkit: Explore the use of the implementation report toolkit published by the Government of the United Kingdom in collaboration with the British Red Cross as a resource, in addition to ICRC and other guidance.
- Support and Collaboration: Consider seeking the support of other States, National Societies and/or the ICRC in the above research, compilation and publication. Also, explore opportunities to exchange, with other States, and if appropriate in collaboration with National IHL Committees or Commissions and/or National Societies, this research and any subsequent compilation and publication.
- Opportunities: Consider seizing different opportunities to publicly report on the domestic implementation of IHL and promoting the findings of research in this area, for instance by publishing a voluntary report on the domestic implementation of IHL, submitting information to the United Nations Secretary-General for the report on the Status of the Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions, and where appropriate, presenting such findings during regional meetings on IHL.
For those States that have produced a voluntary report on the domestic implementation of IHL:
- Update Reports: Research and publish an updated report, as appropriate, considering in particular the opportunity to update existing reports on the occasion of each International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
- Evaluation: Identify areas for improvement in domestic IHL implementation and share these insights with the National IHL Committee or Commission as appropriate.
- Collaboration: Explore opportunities to share research and good practices with other States and collaborate with National IHL Committees or National Societies where appropriate.
- Support: Consider sharing expertise and practical support with other States in order to assist them to research, draft and/or publish a voluntary report.
C) Indicators for measuring progress:
- Number of States compiling and making public reports on domestic IHL activities.
- Number of States updating their domestic IHL reports.
- Number of States receiving support or exchanging research with other States, IHL Committees, National Societies or the ICRC
- Number of reporting States adopting the UK implementation toolkit or other models as frameworks for their reports.
D) Resource implications:
- Financial: Allocation of funds for research activities, report preparation, editing and dissemination.
- Human resources: Engagement of legal experts, IHL professionals, and support staff including National IHL Committees or Commissions and possibly external consultants.