Neighbours Help First network (NHF network) Regional pledge on disaster management: Upscaling South-eastern European National Societies capacity in crisis and disaster preparedness, response and recovery activities.

A) Objectives of the pledge:

The National Societies in South-eastern Europe united within the NHF network share a common background and face similar challenges, and in recent years have been bounded by strong regional cooperation especially in connection with various humanitarian emergencies. In reflection of this, the National Societies in South-eastern Europe are committed to strengthening cooperation in a spirit of solidarity by using and applying best practice from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and National Societies, particularly in the area of disaster and crisis preparedness, response and recovery activities.

Priority will be given to the standardisation of learning and training for RC staff and volunteers engaged in emergencies. Additional resource mobilisation could be undertaken by the NHF network to support a National Society, following a request for assistance and the shared determination to support any National Society response efforts.

B) Action plan:

The NHF network members commit to the following actions:


-Scale up regional cooperation in South-eastern Europe by strengthening regional disaster preparedness, via exchanging aid, expertise, staff, volunteers and technologies; organizing regular meetings, trainings, exercises.


-Share best practices and assist each other in provision of psychosocial support, restoring family links, first aid and encouraging educational activities, including exchanges of staff and volunteers.


-Ensure quality enhancement of NHF NSs preparedness and response mechanisms through participation in joint European Union Civil Protection calls for exercises and project proposals to augment disaster preparedness capacities.


-Develop response capacities of the NHF NSs by optimizing regional emergency stock necessities, including procedures, resource mobilization and replenishment mechanisms.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

-The number of joint trainings and exercises in disaster preparedness.


-Examples are provided of how National Societies are working together to develop and validate operational mechanisms in the field of regional disaster management cooperation.


-The percentage of staff and volunteers who are trained in joint workshops, drills etc. is increased for the period 2019–2023.


-The percentage of funding allocated to building regional capacity of the disaster management systems is increased.


D) Resource implications:

National Societies members of the NHF network and Movement components observers to the NHF network.

