
Mind the Mind now

A) Objectives of the pledge:

– Mental health and psychosocial support is essential to restore people’s day-to-day functioning on all levels, to help those affected access life-saving services, to support resilience after an emergency and to rebuild peaceful societies. Subscribers to this pledge emphasize that mental health and psychosocial support needs to be given adequate attention in all sectors of the humanitarian response with the aim of individual and collective recovery. Affected persons and communities should be enabled to participate in the development and delivery of services for their benefit.


– As discussed at the International Conference on mental health and psychosocial support in crisis situations, Mind the Mind now (6 & 7 October, Amsterdam), and endorsed in the Declaration Mind the Mind now (, the subscribers to this pledge agree to integrate and seek opportunities to further scale up mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian responses and recognize the need for evidence and innovation to accelerate responses at all levels of support.”

B) Action plan:

Possibilities to discuss implementation of the pledge, and the Declaration Mind the Mind now,  at several relevant international meetings (WHA, UNGA) in 2020 and following years are being explored.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

Number of times that integration of MHPSS in crisisrespons is tabled and discussed at relevant international with substantial follow-up.


Number of recommendations, contained in the annex to the Mind the Mind now Declaration acted upon by parties that endorsed the Declaration.

D) Resource implications:

See Declaration.



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