Joint pledge agreed upon by the Government of Iceland and the Icelandic Red Cross during the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent in 2015: Pledge regarding increased assistance to victims of human trafficking

A) Objectives of the pledge:

The Icelandic Government and the Icelandic Red Cross hereby agree to cooperate in the execution of the following pledge:

    1. Create access to a help-line for victims of human trafficking and make assistance and other means visible for potential victims.


    1. Offer training to relevant parties within the justice system, including with assistance of international organisations of which Iceland is a member state.


    1. Increase public awareness on the characteristics of human trafficking, including within the school system.


    1. Increase and strengthen cooperation of relevant institutions and organisations domestically.


B) Action plan:


C) Indicators for measuring progress:


D) Resource implications: