
Indonesian Red Cross : Increasing safety and security of humanitarian volunteers

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Our National Society commits to take action in increasing our safety and access, in order to reach more people in need. In order to increase our safety and access, we will implement our Safer Access plan of action -which include training for volunteers on safety procedures and application of Fundamental Principles-, make references to International Federation’s “Stay Safe” toolkit and take other Movement tools and approaches.

B) Action plan:

    • Strengthening our external partnership with other stakeholders in promoting the safety and security of volunteers.


    • Ensuring that the volunteers are fully trained in applicable safety procedures and protocols, including the uses of any necessary protective equipment, in the application of the fundamental principles.


    • Ensuring that the volunteers have adequate insurance while carrying out their duties.


    • Providing volunteers in a timely manner with the best safety related information, guidance, trainings, protective equipment, and psychological support.


C) Indicators for measuring progress:


D) Resource implications: