

A) Objectives of the pledge:

    • Considering that the IHF has always promoted full respect for the rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as applicable and relevant for the protection of patients and personnel,


    • Considering the core values promoted by IHF members, emphasizing the importance of putting the patient at the center of health care service delivery,


    • Considering the IHF commitment in promoting safety of healthcare infrastructures,


    • Considering all the efforts made by IHF members to deliver better care to the population with respect to modalities in accordance to the context in which they operate in their respective countries



The IHF members also recognize the very productive collaboration that has been established with ICRC and support further development that will strengthen interaction at headquarter and regional level between IHF members and ICRC delegations in a mindset of mutual respect guided by a same goal: enhancing the health of the people in situation of conflict, emergencies and any other crisis that may put at risk the integrity of health service provision to all that need healthcare.


The IHF Governing Council members,  having taken in consideration the resolution on health care in danger  that will be discussed during the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (, express their support to the Health Care in Danger project developed by the International Committee of the Red Cross to improve safe access to health care in armed conflict and other emergencies.


The IHF Governing Council members also agreed on making the following pledge for the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in support to improving safety in health facilities.


In line with the context in which health services are provided in their respective countries, IHF Secretariat will support the ICRC project on Health Care in Danger by calling upon its members to be responding to any situation of threat to the integrity of healthcare facilities by:

    • Developing process, instruction and drills for better preparedness


    • Enhancing safety of patients, personnel and infrastructure to increase resilience


    • Sharing experiences and identifying good practices developed to mitigate risk


    • Collaborating more actively at national level with other stakeholders involved in HCiD project


B) Action plan:

With the support of its members, the IHF Secretariat will be following up this pledge and will provide to ICRC-HCiD examples of achievements from IHF members in any of the above listed engagements.

To achieve this, the IHF Secretariat will be asking to its members to report on their status in regard to preparedness and implementation of measures increasing resilience as well as better collaboration at national level with the ICRC delegation and the national society belonging to the international network of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. It will also be serving as a repository of experiences and good practices.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:


D) Resource implications: