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Strengthening IHL

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Reaffirmation of the NATO Pledge




NATO’s recognition to abide by the rules and principles of International Humanitarian Law;

NATO’s recognition of, and respect for, the ICRC’s mandate and mission;

NATO’s continued effort to address Human Security issues such as Protection of Civilians; Children and Armed Conflict; Conflict Related Sexual Violence; Women, Peace and Security; Cultural Property Protection and Human Trafficking;

NATO’s commitment to including measures to protect civilians affected by armed conflict in the Alliance’s military doctrine , education, training, planning, exercises and conduct of operations;


NATO reaffirms its pledge to:


Continue a substantive dialogue with the ICRC aimed at identifying areas where training and education provided by NATO on International Humanitarian Law may be further enhanced.

B) Action plan:

See above

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

See above

D) Resource implications:

See above