Building up foundation for effective preparedness and response for large-scale disasters and emergencies

A) Objectives of the pledge:

Republic of Poland and Polish Red Cross express intention to strenghten cooperation in the area of disaster and crisis preparedness, response and recovery activities in order to build resilinece and lead to sustainable development

B) Action plan:

– developing response capacities of the PRC by optimizing emergency stock necessities, including procedures, resource mobilization and replenishment mechanisms

– strengthening the sharing of knowledge and experience, cooperation, and coordination in the field of disaster preparedness and response with key stakeholders

– improving community preparedness and resilience initiatives related to disasters and emergencies by exploring effective solutions to reduce and minimize potential vulnerabilities

– providing complex support to the people affected by disasters and emergencies through: rescue and lifesaving, cash and vouchers assistance, restoring family links, relief aid, mental health and psycho-social support

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

  • funding allocated in building country-wide capacity of the disaster management systems is increased
  • staff and volunteers deployed to humanitarian operations are trained in workshops, trainings and joint exercises with Fire Service, Police, Army.
  • Polish Red Cross has a rescue team certified by WHO standards, who can support civil protection mechanism
  • number of people are trained in basic areas: first aid, evacuation protocols, health in emergencies, etc

D) Resource implications:

Republic of Poland and the Polish Red Cross will determine the human, financial and technical resources that may be required to support the implementation of this pledge based on actions to be taken.