Auxiliary role of the Czech Red Cross

A) Objectives of the pledge:

The Czech Republic will support further strengthening of the role of the Czech Red Cross as an auxiliary organisation of public administration and improve the conditions for the fulfilment of its tasks.

B) Action plan:

  • Work towards strengthening of the Czech Red Cross as an auxiliary medical service for the Czech armed forces.
  • Continue to create conditions for the performance of activities of the Czech Red Cross as part of the integrated rescue system in accordance with Act No. 239/2000, on the Integrated Rescue System.
  • Review the relevant domestic legislation relating to the status of the Czech Red Cross, its Tracing Agency, and that of the representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and analyse whether and where amendments would be needed to take account of the developments of international and domestic law.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

D) Resource implications: