Actions taken:
Germany undertook to raise awareness of the potential of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHHFC, the Commission) and of its working methods in a number of different occasions. Germany encouraged resorting to the Commission, mentioned it to parties to an armed conflict and in multilateral fora, and made it better known.
Germany supported a potential role of the Commission during the peace process in Colombia. Germany held talks with members of the IHHFC and helped to facilitate contacts with different governmental institutions in order to promote a potential involvement of the Commission with its good offices and fact-finding capacities.
Germany supported the OSCE vote to deploy the Commission as an independent team of experts to conduct a forensic post-blast investigation of the incident of 23 April 2017 involving the death of an OSCE team member, injuries of two OSCE team members and the destruction of an OSCE vehicle in Eastern Ukraine. Germany offered to further support the Commission in its independent forensic investigation as agreed between the IHFFC and the OSCE.
Furthermore, Germany supported Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn in his candidacy and new role as president of the IHFFC. In doing so Germany advertised his candidacy to numerous states parties to the First Additional Protocol who declared recognition of the Commission raising awareness of the competencies and potential of the Commission.