Soins de santé en danger – Renforcer le cadre normatif national

Actions taken:

Actions taken

In the first phase of the implementation of this pledges, time has been invested in identifying contacts which might have an important role in the implementation of this pledge. The opportunity to set up an ad hoc working group dedicated to the analysis of the domestic normative framework and supported by the National IHL Committee is still being discussed.

The Working Group on IHL dissemination of the National Committee of IHL, under the direction of the Belgian Red Cross, drafted a note on the current state of affairs of the IHL dissemination activities for medical personnel. This note stressed on possible tools to be developed. A possible publication of an adapted leaflet on IHL principles and the emblems is considered for the future and will depend on the needs expressed by the relevant authorities and the medical community. It would enhance a better respect of the 1956 national law on the protection of the emblems and denominations of the Red Cross.

There are currently contacts between the National Society and an interested member of parliament regarding an initiative to organise a colloquium on HCiD in the Belgian parliament (Senate). The subject of this initiative would be explaining the HCiD-initiative, the international legal framework applicable on the protection of the medical mission in armed conflicts and discussing possible ways forward on the national legislative level. The event may be confirmed in the near future.


The process of strengthening the legal national framework is challenging because of the many different stakeholders involved.

Implementation completion:
