Actions taken:
At the national level, the Bulgarian Red Cross cooperates with the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in regards to the development of a National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, following the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Additionally, the National Society has extended its network by signing cooperation agreements with the Military Academy (in 2018), as well as with the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (in 2017), located in Sofia, Bulgaria. Further to that, and throughout the reporting period the Bulgarian Red Cross has been developing its partnership network with universities in order to intensify cooperation in the field of IHL and hosted round tables inviting main stakeholders in the country, including public institutions and representatives of international organizations based in the country.
The Bulgarian Red Cross is also part of the Advisory Council supporting the Council of Ministers in shaping state policy in the field of disaster protection, and the NS participates in the development of the Annual Plans for the implementation of the National Disaster Protection Program. The Bulgarian Red Cross participates annually in various exercises at international, national and regional level, including on civil-military cooperation.
The topic is also a subject of interest within the youth structure of the Bulgarian Red Cross, having the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth (BRCY) participating and completing in 2017, a Daphne project, entitled: “Strengthening psycho-social methods and practices to build resilience of female victims of domestic violence”, which led to the following results:
- Established functioning support network for women who have suffered domestic violence trough volunteer support, including networking activities for women and their children;
- Increased capacity to provide psycho-social support by volunteers;
- Developed methodology and a volunteer’s manual for providing psycho-social support to women who have suffered domestic violence.
Including: Photo with extended caption – Civil-military activities in multinational environment operations/ CIMIC training