Report on pledge – Support for the International Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (IHFFC) – Germany

Actions taken:

The International Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (IHFFC) is an expert body established by Article 90 of Additional Protocol I of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 to respond to serious violations of international humanitarian law.

Germany continues to support the Commission’s essential purpose, which is to contribute to the implementation of, and ensure respect for, International Humanitarian Law.

Germany has advocated for broader awareness regarding the existence and competences of the IHFFC in order to establish its broader recognition and an increased use of its services.

Germany has continued to communicate the potential of the IHFFC and of its working methods, which include not only fact-finding, but also good offices.

In 2022, Germany politically supported the IHFFC and encouraged its use, when it offered its good offices with regard to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine and called upon the parties to the conflict to maintain and restore an attitude of respect for the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I.

In 2020, Germany also encouraged use of the IHFFC when it offered its services to the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with regard to the armed conflict in Tigray.

Further, Germany has supported IHFFC’S efforts in multilateral fora aiming at explaining the role of the IHFFC, its approach to current conflicts, and at convincing states to submit a declaration according to Article 90 Additional Protocol I.

Germany has continued to advocate for enhancing the visibility of the IHFFC and for encouraging the use of the Commission as
well as the recognition of its competence.

As laid down in Art. 90 (7) Additional Protocol I, Germany also contributes to the budget and administrative expenses of the IHFFC. Germany is the second-largest contributor among participating states. For the year 2024, Germany has contributed with a payment of CHF 16.264,47.

Implementation completion:
