Report on pledge – Improving the effectiveness of cross-border response to disasters and other emergencies in North America

Actions taken:

For the 2019 International Conference, the American Red Cross (AmCross), Canadian Red Cross (CRC), and Mexican Red Cross (MRC) pledged commitment to leveraging their auxiliary and operational roles to improve the effectiveness of cross-border response to disasters in North America.  

These objectives as such aimed at operational and policy level support for the expedited mobilization of humanitarian teams, their equipment and supplies while respecting applicable national legal and policy frameworks and global standards of accountability to affected populations and the delivery of improved humanitarian services to underserved populations. 

CRC activities include: 

  • Regular meetings with AmCross, notably the Disaster Mental Health and Spiritual Care teams to share best practices on the COVID response, beneficiary and systems interactions, direct payment to beneficiaries, MHPSS supports and engaging in health initiatives with federal partners (programming, policy, volunteer management, relief services). 
  • Meetings with AmCross to share information with Mass Care Team, Disability Integration and SRT. Continue to explore ways to collaborate and share information and resources to address common challenges. 
  • Regular meetings with AmCross and other NSs as part of Emergency Management Planning and Readiness “Five Eyes” informal collaboration where subject matter experts seek ideas, direction, and contacts. 
  •  Bilateral meetings with MRC, early in the COVID response to share and understand our different approaches to responding to the pandemic 
  • CRC provided financial and technical assistance to MRC in support of their strategic priorities and enabling their operations, fostering opportunities to scale up their work and to raise visibility with potential donors.  
  • CRC provided support in preparedness and response capacities of the MRCS (strengthen family preparedness for earthquake emergencies and disasters).   
  • Joint project between the three National Societies from November 1st 2021 to March 31st 2023 to strengthen the health and protection of migrants. 
  • CRC and AmCross begun preliminary discussions on policy, program implementation and leadership expectations.   

Challenges Encountered: 

  • Delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including shifting priorities of NSs.  
  • Limited funds available to realize the full scope of our capacity to implement knowledge transfer activities.  
  • Lack of dedicated budget to foster our collaborations with MRC. 

Concrete Examples: 

  • CRC Rapid Deployment Case Management team virtually supported the AmCross response to Hurricane Laura (Shelter Resident Transition efforts) and other responses as needed.  
  • AmCross Hurricane specialists provided real-time accessibility to projection and forecasting data, tools, and specialists hours before Hurricane Fiona hit the Atlantic provinces.  
  • CRC was invited to observe AmCross readiness operations in the lead up to Hurricane Lee.  
  • Enabled a strategic 6-month extension to the work of the MRC in Tijuana.  
  • Supported MRC with the distribution of gender sensitive dignity kits, first aid training of staff and volunteers at migrant centers in Tijuana. 
  • As a response to hurricane OTIS, CRC actioned a fast-track C$200k bilateral contribution to support MRC emergency response activities  
  • On invitation of AmCross, CRC attended an intensive Hurricane Readiness conference in early 2023 in Florida. The training included sheltering guidelines and processes and understanding Hurricane forecasts.  AmCross also hosted 2 CRC reps at in-person 2023 Hurricane Champions Meeting , to support CRC knowledge around hurricane risk.  
  • Strengthened the capacity of the MRC to offer health and mental health services and protection to migrant groups in HSPs and migrant contact points, including through PGIE training.  

Implementation completion:
