Report on Pledge- Improving the effectiveness of cross-border response to disasters and other emergencies in North America

Actions taken:

For the 2019 International Conference, the American Red Cross (AmCross), Canadian Red Cross (CRC), and Mexican Red Cross (MRC) pledged commitment to leveraging their auxiliary and operational roles to improve the effectiveness of cross-border response to disasters in North America.

These objectives as such aimed at operational and policy level support for the expedited mobilization of humanitarian teams, their equipment and supplies while respecting applicable national legal and policy frameworks and global standards of accountability to affected populations and the delivery of improved humanitarian services to underserved populations.

In the actions taken, there has been much collaboration between all three National Societies. One meeting that occurred is the North American Leadership Summit 2022 in Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico from 02 – 06 November 2022.

The American Red Cross Senior Director for Long-Term Recovery and the VP for Recovery at the Canadian Red Cross have begun preliminary discussions on policy, program implementation and leadership expectations.

AmCross- At a program level, program managers covering areas including recovery casework, support to persons with Access and Functional Needs, mental health and psycho-social support have discussed program similarities and collaboration between the American Red Cross and Canadian Red Cross.

Challenges Encountered:

AmCross- COVID-19 was a significant barrier to continuing meetings, engagement and cross border support. It has been harder to restart those conversations “post COVID-19″ than originally anticipated.

Concrete Examples:

AmCross- MRC have deployed more than 30 staff and volunteers to respond to 5 American Red Cross major disaster operations since 2020. These include Earthquakes, Forest Fires, Hurricanes and Flood operations.

AmCross- Shared the 2024 Colorado State University hurricane forecast with CRC for CRC planning.

AmCross- Participate in a monthly CRC Planning call.

AmCross- Hosted 2 CRC reps at in-person 2023 Hurricane Champions Meeting including tour of National Hurricane Center goal was to support CRC knowledge around hurricane risk.

Connected AmCross Senior Hurricane Planning and Response SME with CRC Planning team prior to Hurricane Fiona landfall in Canada.

Implementation completion:
