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Report on pledge – Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance

Actions taken:

Actions taken:

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in relevant policies and strategies:
The British Red Cross has committed to continuing to expand CVA as a modality in its international strategy.

Investment in the capacities of National Societies to be “cash ready”:
The Cash Hub initiative, hosted by British Red Cross (BRC), together with BRC regional teams, has provided targeted support to strengthening the cash preparedness of 20 National Societies in Africa, Asia and MENA.

The Cash Hub also supports regional capacity strengthening initiatives in all regions, including Americas and Europe, and supports the development of regional Communities of Practice for National Society cash practitioners.

Partnerships with other actors on CVA:
Additional capacity in emergencies has been developed through BRC CVA Global Surge, the CVA Register and the partnership agreement with CASHCAP, an initiative of Norwegian Refugee Council that provides a global roster of technical experts to support and develop partner capacity.

Advocacy and partnership on CVA within the Movement and wider humanitarian community:
The Cash Hub has continued to play a shared leadership role in supporting the scale up and acceleration of CVA in the Movement, focusing on three core areas of work: Cash Ready RCRC Movement, Cash School and the Cash Hub Platform.

The delivery of the Cash Hub work programme has been completed in close collaboration with both the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Strengthen links between humanitarian CVA and government social protection systems:
The Cash Hub has carried out and published a review of National Society experience of linking CVA to social protection programmes, highlighting challenges and opportunities. The findings were also shared through the Cash Hub webinar series.

Share data, evidence and learning on CVA programmes:
In 2023 alone, the Cash Hub platform was visited online 220,828 times from 204 countries or territories. The website now provides information and resources for the Movement in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. New services have been launched, such as the Cash Helpdesk that provides remote technical assistance to National Societies and a regular programme of webinars that supports knowledge sharing and dissemination. The platform provides a space for all Movement members to share resources and includes dedicated sections for the regional CVA Communities of Practice.

Collection and management of data for CVA follows principles and guidelines for data protection:
The Cash Hub promotes and provides access to relevant Movement guidelines on data protection in CVA programmes and has supported the development of effective data management systems, such as Red Rose.

Increase the number of staff and volunteers trained, skilled and equipped to respond with CVA:
The Cash School contributed to increasing the cash capacity of the Movement through the Cash Practitioner Development Programme that benefited 70 cash practitioners between 2018 to 2024. BRC’s support to National Society cash preparedness includes a programme of CVA training for staff and volunteers.

Increased volume of humanitarian aid delivered through CVA.
In 2022, the Movement delivered CHF 1 billion to 10 million crisis-affected people across 85 countries. BRC has contributed funding to the CVA programmes of many IFRC emergency appeals and promoted the use of the DREF for cash assistance. In Ukraine, for example, the FCDO-funded programme has supported 90,280 people with cash assistance in de-occupied areas. In Syria, BRC has provided three years support for the development of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) CVA programme; in 2023 SARC assisted 657, 200 people with $31million of cash grants.

Implementation completion:
