
Gender and Diversity Pledge

Actions taken:

If YES, please describe the actions taken (including challenges encountered if there is any) and provide concrete examples (including written reports, programme information, photos and videos*)


The British Red Cross established a cross-directorate steering group led by our Chief Supporter Officer, and various workstreams are in progress as a result of this. Notable success of the last three years have included increasing access to meaningful diversity data, which informs our workforce planning and provides managers with an insight into the experience of different demographic groups. We have introduced name blind shortlisting to our recruitment process, reducing the risk of recruiting managers applying gender and racial bias to selecting candidates for interview. We are incorporating diversity and unconscious bias into our learning offer; with a mandatory induction module for all volunteers and staff integrated into recruitment, selection and management training. And we are embedding a new and robust equality impact assessment process into our policies, projects and decisions to anticipate and mitigate any negative impact on different demographic groups. We’re also improving our IT and building accessibility. These and other measures have helped us increase the % of BAME staff from 8% to 12% and staff disclosing a disability from 5% to 8%. We also achieved an external UK accreditation: Leaders in Diversity.


In addition within the British Red Cross’s International Directorate, we conducted a study on gender and diversity issues and recruited a Diversity and Inclusion Adviser to facilitate sustained integration of gender and diversity considerations into International funded programmes and responses.


  1. Picture (attached) Screen shot of our diversity e-learning offer

Alongside integrating inclusion and diversity into our core learning offer for volunteers and staff, we have developed a range of e-learning opportunities on a wide range of topics, from disability awareness, unconscious bias and completing Equality Impact Assessments.


As we celebrate the progress we have made over the last few years, we recognise that we still have some way to go to authentically and consistently embed inclusion and diversity into our processes, planning and everyday behaviour. The commitment to achieve this is very much there!

Implementation completion:
