

Actions taken:

The British Red Cross has continued to support the UK Government in the ratification process for the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols. This has included working with the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport on specific provisions of the ratification legislation, the Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Act, which received Royal Assent in February 2017.

The British Red Cross has also been very pleased to provide views on the implementation of the Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Act.  This has included providing advice on the process for permissions for use of the cultural emblem in the UK under the Act.  We have also disseminated information on the cultural emblem by up-dating our website (capitalising on the recent ICRC ‘IHL for all’ campaign burst on the distinctive emblems) and by up-dating emblem protection literature.  We will continue to work with UK officials on implementation of the 2017 Act.

Additionally, the British Red Cross provided views on the implementation of the UK’s new Cultural Protection Fund, including by making a submission to the government consultation.

We will continue, as an observer, to attend meetings of the UK Committee of the Blue Shield and of the UK Military Cultural Property Protection Working Group.

Implementation completion:
