Resolution 7: Strengthening the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement response to growing humanitarian needs

Report on resolution 7:

– Date: 28.07.2019

– Country: Italy

– Type of entity:  National States

What measures has your National Society taken to raise awareness and disseminate the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules) within the National Society? Please tick the appropriate box below. You can tick more than one box.
• Dissemination of the Principles and Rules to NS staff and volunteers
 • Training/ workshop/integration of the Principles and Rules into training
 • Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other National Society)
• Other: IMPACT, IHL training courses – humanitarian operator, trainer, advisor -, IDL training courses, Emergency Coordinator Training Courses, International Cooperation basic course

Has your National Society engaged with the public authorities regarding dissemination and implementation of the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules)? Please tick the appropriate box below

If yes, please describe the activities undertaken: 
A joint team on IDL is including Italian Civil Protection Department. Within this team, the Italian RC developed specific training, speech and communication.