Resolution 7: Strengthening the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement response to growing humanitarian needs

Report on resolution 7:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Bulgaria

– Type of entity:  National society

What measures has your National Society taken to raise awareness and disseminate the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules) within the National Society? Please tick the appropriate box below. You can tick more than one box.
• Dissemination of the Principles and Rules to NS staff and volunteers
 • Training/ workshop/integration of the Principles and Rules into training
 • Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other National Society)

Has your National Society engaged with the public authorities regarding dissemination and implementation of the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules)? Please tick the appropriate box below

If yes, please describe the activities undertaken: 
Bulgarian RC actively participated in the ICRC/IFRC Reference Group Meeting on Strengthening Movement Coordination and Cooperation (SMCC initiative) held in October 2014 in Geneva, in the 3rd Regional Consultative Meeting held in Budapest in November 2014 and in the SMCC Reference Group Meeting in Geneva in June 2015. The NS participated in the developments on the 4 work streams of the initiative (1. Leadership & Coordination, 2. Tools & Mechanisms, 3. Communications and 4. Resource Mobilisation) and in the further consultations process. Currently BRC participated in the renewed dialogue with NSs on the review of the ‘One International Appeal’ modality. Bulgarian Red Cross also participates in a similar process at EU level being part of the Civil Protection Task Force managed by the Red Cross EU office to improve the coordination between the Movement and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. This initiative also required coordinated and principled action of the Movement in order to set a clear coordination mechanism with the EUCPM.
The results include:
– draft SOP to enhance operational cooperation and coordination between the RCEU and the IFRC (on behalf on EUNS) with the EU Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC).
– Administrative Arrangement for enhancing operational cooperation and coordination signed between IFRC and DG ECHO on 19 May 2019.