Resolution 6: Strengthening legal frameworks for disaster response, risk reduction and first aid
Report on resolution 6:
– Date: 30.07.2019
– Country: Italy
– Type of entity: National Society
– What measures has your National Society taken to support your public authorities to make use of the IDRL Guidelines? Please select the appropriate box below. You can select more than one box.
• Dissemination of IDRL Guidelines
• Training. / workshop on IDRL
• Technical assistance (e.g. provided comments on draft law, regulation or policy)
• Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other governments and / or National Society)
Comments / description of activities:
ItRC provided specific workshop for DM, Volunteers, Military Personnel, Authorities and Academy on IDRL A joint team with Rome 3 University and the Italian Civil Protection Department to study and develop IDRL is in place including the Italian Red Cross. The same partnership is also part of a project including the IFRC.
– Has your National Society supported public authorities to use the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction to review and strengthen their domestic legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction at the national, provincial and / or local levels? Please select the appropriate box below to describe the support you have provided. You can select more than one box.
Comments / description of activities:
ItRC participated to meeting with the Italian Civil Protection Authorities to develop the law and regulations about disaster management and civil protection. ItRC participated also to meetings with the Italian Civil Protection Authorities to modify the EU law on Civil Protection
– What activities has your National Society undertaken in cooperation with your government towards achieving the goals related to DRR, community resilience and climate change adaptation as set out in the Sendai Framework for DRR, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the outcomes of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘Paris Agreement’)? Please select the appropriate box:
• Mainstream DRR across contexts and sectors
• Engagement and contribution in National/local DRR platforms
• Support the development and/or Implementation of national DRR plan/strategy
• Assessment of risk and vulnerability
• NS response and preparedness (contingency plans, standard operating procedures, pre-disaster meetings, disaster preparedness stocks)
• Disaster preparedness and contingency policies, plans and programmes
• Preposition disaster preparedness stocks
• Training & simulation drills
• Psychosocial support and mental health services
• Water and sanitation support
Please provide more details your activities below:
Italian Red Cross developed the following elements: – New DM planning guidelines – Re-organisation of the whole National DM coordination and response centres, increasing the number of National Emergency Response Centres from 3 to 12 – Development of new guidelines on PSS, also through EU funded projects – Support to develop new contingency policies at Regional and Local level – Re-organisation of the WASH capacity with the definition of a specialised response unit, able to intervene according to national standards – Identification of proper indicators (in agreement with scientific partners) to support the development of contingency plans, hazard and risk assessments.
What steps has your National Society taken to support your public authorities in strengthening their existing legal frameworks related to first aid? Please explain:
The new regulations on Ambulance Service is including consultation of the Italian Red Cross and other two main Volunteer organisations (ANPAS and Misericordie), in order to shape the new legal framework of EMTs (emergency medical technicians).
– Country: Italy
– Type of entity: National Society
– What measures has your National Society taken to support your public authorities to make use of the IDRL Guidelines? Please select the appropriate box below. You can select more than one box.
• Dissemination of IDRL Guidelines
• Training. / workshop on IDRL
• Technical assistance (e.g. provided comments on draft law, regulation or policy)
• Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other governments and / or National Society)
Comments / description of activities:
ItRC provided specific workshop for DM, Volunteers, Military Personnel, Authorities and Academy on IDRL A joint team with Rome 3 University and the Italian Civil Protection Department to study and develop IDRL is in place including the Italian Red Cross. The same partnership is also part of a project including the IFRC.
– Has your National Society supported public authorities to use the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction to review and strengthen their domestic legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction at the national, provincial and / or local levels? Please select the appropriate box below to describe the support you have provided. You can select more than one box.
Comments / description of activities:
ItRC participated to meeting with the Italian Civil Protection Authorities to develop the law and regulations about disaster management and civil protection. ItRC participated also to meetings with the Italian Civil Protection Authorities to modify the EU law on Civil Protection
– What activities has your National Society undertaken in cooperation with your government towards achieving the goals related to DRR, community resilience and climate change adaptation as set out in the Sendai Framework for DRR, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the outcomes of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘Paris Agreement’)? Please select the appropriate box:
• Mainstream DRR across contexts and sectors
• Engagement and contribution in National/local DRR platforms
• Support the development and/or Implementation of national DRR plan/strategy
• Assessment of risk and vulnerability
• NS response and preparedness (contingency plans, standard operating procedures, pre-disaster meetings, disaster preparedness stocks)
• Disaster preparedness and contingency policies, plans and programmes
• Preposition disaster preparedness stocks
• Training & simulation drills
• Psychosocial support and mental health services
• Water and sanitation support
Please provide more details your activities below:
Italian Red Cross developed the following elements: – New DM planning guidelines – Re-organisation of the whole National DM coordination and response centres, increasing the number of National Emergency Response Centres from 3 to 12 – Development of new guidelines on PSS, also through EU funded projects – Support to develop new contingency policies at Regional and Local level – Re-organisation of the WASH capacity with the definition of a specialised response unit, able to intervene according to national standards – Identification of proper indicators (in agreement with scientific partners) to support the development of contingency plans, hazard and risk assessments.
What steps has your National Society taken to support your public authorities in strengthening their existing legal frameworks related to first aid? Please explain:
The new regulations on Ambulance Service is including consultation of the Italian Red Cross and other two main Volunteer organisations (ANPAS and Misericordie), in order to shape the new legal framework of EMTs (emergency medical technicians).