Resolution 6: Strengthening legal frameworks for disaster response, risk reduction and first aid

Report on resolution6:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Bulgaria

– Type of entity:  National Society

What measures has your National Society taken to support your public authorities to make use of the IDRL Guidelines? Please select the appropriate box below. You can select more than one box.
 • Dissemination of IDRL Guidelines
 Comments / description of activities:
The NS conducted a round table on IDRL prior to 2015 and consecutively in 2016 during a gathering on climate change the NS continued with dissemination of IDRL Guidelines.

Has your National Society supported public authorities to use the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction to review and strengthen their domestic legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction at the national, provincial and / or local levels? Please select the appropriate box below to describe the support you have provided. You can select more than one box.
 • Technical assistance (e.g. provides input into a draft law or policy related to DRR, supports implementation of relevant laws and procedures, etc.)

What activities has your National Society undertaken in cooperation with your government towards achieving the goals related to DRR, community resilience and climate change adaptation as set out in the Sendai Framework for DRR, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the outcomes of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘Paris Agreement’)? Please select the appropriate box:
 • Engagement and contribution in National/local DRR platforms
 • Support the development and/or Implementation of national DRR plan/strategy
 • Public awareness and public education
 • NS response and preparedness (contingency plans, standard operating procedures, pre-disaster meetings, disaster preparedness stocks)
 • DRR legislation
 • Support the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan
• Disaster preparedness and contingency policies, plans and programmes
 • Community early warning systems
• Training & simulation drills
 • Psychosocial support and mental health services

What steps has your National Society taken to support your public authorities in assessing their existing legal frameworks related to first aid? Please explain: 
For more than 35 years, the Bulgarian Red Cross has been a member of the State Committee for Road Safety. In 2019, this Committee switched to a new State Agency for Road Safety, and the NS is the only non-governmental organization to retain its membership in the commission, while other representatives of the sector remained observers. The main objective is to raise public awareness of the measures needed to reduce road accidents and also to organize lessons and first aid demonstrations. Bulgarian Red Cross experts shared views and opinions regarding first aid training for the different categories of drivers and submitted concrete proposals to be considered within a “National Road Safety Improvement Strategy for the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2021-2030. “

What steps has your National Society taken to support your public authorities in strengthening their existing legal frameworks related to first aid? Please explain: 
Training of pedagogical specialists in rendering FA and responding to disasters, accidents and crises. Thanks to the interactive approaches and the high quality of training, the National Training Center of the Bulgarian Red Cross and the NS branches managed to gain a significant share on the market of qualification of pedagogical specialists, although more than 260 organizations and dozens of higher education institutions work in this field. In less than two years, more than 1000 teachers have been trained in FA and response in the event of disaster/accident/crises and received qualification credits. The significance of the results achieved is not only measured by the number of specialists trained. What is more important here is the multiplier effect because not only do teachers receive their qualification credits necessary for their career development, but they also acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills needed to train their students in first aid and response in the event of a disaster. Competition on Disaster Preparedness, First Aid, Psychosocial support and Rights of Older People For 4 consecutive years (2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018) on the occasion of 1st of October the International Day of Older Persons, the Bulgarian RC held a unique competition on disaster preparedness, first aid, psychosocial support and rights of older people, aiming to support social re-integration and inclussion of older people in Bulgaria and to create environment for their active participation in the life of modern Bulgarian society. During its last edition 16 teams of older people from 16 regions of Bulgaria participated in the contest which was held in the National Training Center of the Bulgarian Red Cross. Each team consisted of 4 persons and 1 supervisor or a total of 80 people took part in the contest. The youngest participant was 63 years old, the oldest – 78 years old. The competition brought together younger and older volunteers, members of the BRC Youth Emergency Teams. The enthusiasm of older people was great both during the preparation as well as at the competition itself. The competition once again showed the potential of older people and the role they can play in their local communities. Public-private partnership for effective disaster management and community resilience for children, focusing on floods and crisis response, started in 2018 and is co-funded by the European Cohesion Fund, within “Operational Programme Environment”
1. The Bulgarian Red Cross developed a Manual, which provides a methodological guidance on self-rescue and pre-arrival actions of specialized medical teams for flood-related incidents and subsequent crises.
2. This projects is being implemented in close cooperation with Civil protection and fire brigade Units in each of the 28 regions of Bulgaria.
3. Volunteers of the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth are conducting all the trainings of children and young people, using the peer-to-peer methods on First aid, Psychosocial support and Disaster preparedness.

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