Resolution 5: The safety and security of humanitarian volunteers

Report on resolution5:

– Date: 28.07.2019

– Country: Italy

– Type of entity:  National Society

What measures did your National Society take to strengthen the safety and security of your volunteers? Please check what applies below: 
Enhancing knowledge: continues the effort to work with the academic community to research, share results and work within other National Societies about the importance of Volunteering and their impact on communities, not only at financial level but also Social level

What activities has your National Society undertaken to ensure safety and security of volunteers, in cooperation with:
– Public authorities
 – Other partners and stakeholders of influence
Enhancing Understanding: addressing the perception of Volunteers that as part of National Societies development and in order to create sustainability: better and stronger learning opportunities are key to promote not only better actions inside the communities and helping building resilience but also safety and security. Volunteering can and should be considered a bridge to create and promote a culture of Social Inclusion inside communities.
Implementation and support: continue the support and cooperate with other National Societies to help ensure that the projects and activities that include Volunteers have cover safe and security protocols. Promoting the test and launch of the basic standards for the safety and security of Volunteers in Red Cross and Red Crescent Nacional Societies, ensuring:
• A clear definition of Volunteer and Volunteering: Volunteer Policy, clarifies the role of Volunteers
• A Code of Conduct: Know by all Volunteers
• Crear Data about Volunteers: reviewed once a year
• Risk management: standardized systematic procedures
• Safety procedures and protocols: part of the basic training
• Incident Reporting: standardized incident reporting / adequate data protection
• Access to information and guidance: open and freely accessible sources of information
• Protective equipment: according to the different Volunteers roles
• Training: standardized safety and security training during the induction process
• Safety nets and insurancePsychosocial support: access to all Volunteers
• Working Time: Volunteers activity hours are regulated and provide adequate rest time
• Compensation and allowances: standardized procedures

Does your National Society ensure that volunteers have adequate insurance or equivalent “safety net” assistance with regard to death, injury, sickness or trauma they may endure while carrying out their duties? In case of absence of insurance or equivalent “safety net”, is your National Society aware of the functioning of the French Fund Maurice de Madre (FFMM) or others? Please check the appropriate box:
– Yes: please let us know what type of insurance or equivalent “safety-net” form you use

How can the RCRC Movement better support you to enhance the safety and security of your volunteers? 
To act under the principle of “Do Not Harm” and with the spirit of the Volunteer Charter at the General Assembly in 2017 “Everyone Counts”. To support the General Agreements of the Ad Hoc Group of Volunteering 03-04 June 2019: 1. “promoting volunteering at the statutory meeting, considering the exhibition on security and protection.”

What support did you provide to other National Societies for increasing safety and security of volunteers? Please check appropriate box:
 – Advocacy
– Training
 – Support to drafting policy on volunteering
 – Develop standards and guidance on the topic
 – Provision of protective equipment

What activities have you undertaken to facilitate partnerships towards strengthening the safety and security of volunteers? 
Active participation of the ITRC in the Volunteer Alliance and promote among partner National Societies to join the Alliance.

What measures did you take to ensure that volunteers have adequate insurance or equivalent “safety net” assistance with regard to death, injury, sickness or trauma they may endure while carrying out their duties? 
For all new identified projects with partner National Societies with active involvement in foreseen, an action line is devoted to ensure “safety net” assistance or equivalent.