Resolution 5: The safety and security of humanitarian volunteers

Report on resolution 5:

– Date: 16.07.2019

– Country: Germany

– Type of entity:  National Society   

What measures did your National Society take to strengthen the safety and security of your volunteers? Please check what applies below: 
Safety and security training e.g: Safer Access Framework, Stay Safe, Staying alive and others.

What measures did your National Society take to identify and or review potential threats to the volunteers? Please check what applies:
– ensuring that their plans and programmes include measures to reduce and mitigate these risks
 – Using for example Safer Access Framework and Stay Safe as tools to guide decision making process
 Other: We are currently intensifying the training and awareness building of leadership personnel in all active GRC services on mental health promotion for volunteers

What activities has your National Society undertaken to ensure safety and security of volunteers, in cooperation with:
 – Public authorities
 – Other partners and stakeholders of influence
Public authorities:
The German Red Cross has a contract with the Federal Accident Insurance Fund where all volunteers are covered. The data of injuries are collected and transferred by GerRC to an internal database. There has been a close dialogue with police forces, fire fighters and civil protection agencies after terror attacks in Germany.
Other partners and stakeholders of influence:
Since 2012 regular meetings, twice a year, take place between the GerRC national representatives for health and safety and the representatives of the GerRC branches for sharing challenges and exchanging good practices. Apart from that there have been meetings taking place with car and clothing manufacturers to discuss about possibilities to increase the safety and security of the volunteers. There has been a close exchange with French RC and Magen David Adom on safety and training related to terror contexts.
GRC cooperates with health insurances and the national agencies for safety at workplaces on modern educational concepts for vocational health promotion and accident prevention.

Does your National Society ensure that volunteers have adequate insurance or equivalent “safety net” assistance with regard to death, injury, sickness or trauma they may endure while carrying out their duties? In case of absence of insurance or equivalent “safety net”, is your National Society aware of the functioning of the French Fund Maurice de Madre (FFMM) or others? Please check the appropriate box:
– Yes: please let us know what type of insurance or equivalent “safety-net” form you use

How can the RCRC Movement better support you to enhance the safety and security of your volunteers? 
The RCRC Movement could support in identifying the most frequent causes of insurance cases and to cluster them by regions (crisis and non-crises regions) and the different types of injuries. Regular updates of leadership personnel and volunteers concerning changing security risks might be helpful as well.

What support did you provide to other National Societies for increasing safety and security of volunteers? Please check appropriate box:
– Dissemination of this resolution and commitments
 – Advocacy
 – Insurance system
 – Training
 – Support to drafting policy on volunteering
 – Develop standards and guidance on the topic
 – Provision of protective equipment

What activities have you undertaken to facilitate partnerships towards strengthening the safety and security of volunteers? 
Partnering for security trainings

What measures did you take to ensure that volunteers have adequate insurance or equivalent “safety net” assistance with regard to death, injury, sickness or trauma they may endure while carrying out their duties? 
GerRC usually doesn’t delegate volunteers within international operations. All GerRC delegates, even if working as volunteers at national level, receive a contract and adequate remuneration for their mission abroad. In this context they are provided with an insurance in terms of death, injury and sickness they may endure while carrying out their duties. Additionally, psychological support may be made use of to cope with traumatic experiences they have endured while carrying out their mission. In preparation of their mission all delegates receive appropriate training, including First Aid in the Field, and security briefings. GerRC highlights the importance of adequate insurance systems to Host National Societies and, if possible, GerRC provides respective assumption of costs.