Resolution 5: The safety and security of humanitarian volunteers

Report on resolution 5:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Canada

– Type of entity:  State

Did your Government take any action to improve the safety and security of humanitarian volunteers and minimize inherent risks?

Check the box
– a national system for the collection and dissemination of comprehensive data, including sex and age disaggregated data
 – measures to promote public understanding and acceptance of the role of humanitarian volunteers,
 – integration of measures to protect volunteer safety and security in national laws,
 – policies, plans and programmes for emergency management
 – measures to hold perpetrators of crimes against humanitarian volunteers accountable
 – regularly share challenges and good practices
 – considered providing support to other countries, as donors, in accordance with national legislation and the humanitarian principles
 – Offering/Sharing expertise and resources

What measures have your public authorities undertaken to provide direct or indirect support for the insurance or equivalent “safety net” assistance for volunteers of National Societies and other actors deploying humanitarian volunteers within their territories? 
Canada has marked the annual World Humanitarian Day each August 19, drawing public attention to the courage and commitment of all aid workers, which would include humanitarian volunteers. Canada is a strong voice for the safety and security of all humanitarian workers and for the principled humanitarian action that allows our partners to safely reach those who are most in need.

Le Canada souligne chaque année la Journée mondiale de l’aide humanitaire le 19 août, attirant l’attention du public sur le courage et l’engagement de tous les travailleurs humanitaires, y compris les bénévoles humanitaires. Le Canada est un ardent défenseur de la sécurité de tous les travailleurs humanitaires et de l’action humanitaire fondée sur des principes qui permet à ses partenaires de joindre en toute sécurité les personnes qui en ont le plus besoin.