
Resolution 4: Health Care in Danger: Continuing to protect the delivery of health care together

Report on resolution 4:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Bulgaria

– Type of entity:  National Society

Which measures have you put in place in order to enhance the secure functioning of health care facilities and medical transport?

Which concrete actions have you conducted to collect and analyze data related to violence against health care? How did you use this information to develop practical measures to address such violence? 
The National Society follows closely information related to violence against health care, including news, publications, and other media outlets. The Bulgarian Red Cross publishes on its website and shares via its social media platforms messages regarding protection of humanitarian and medical workers, and healthcare services. The NS keeps reiterating the appeal for respect of IHL and protection of the categories listed above, for example:

What decisions have you taken to enhance your staff and volunteers’ understanding of the rights and responsibilities of health care personnel? In addition, have you implemented concrete measures (e.g. Safer Access Framework) to ensure the safety of health care delivery?
The Bulgarian Red Cross conducts dissemination on IHL and refreshments on IHL, targeting amongst all new staff members, volunteers from response units, personnel working on field and etc. The NS is planning and already submitted a request to run a Safer Access within the first half of 2020.

As an auxiliary to your government, which activities have you initiated to promote, advocate for, and address the issue of violence against health care with your government?
Annually, the Bulgarian Red Cross participates in meetings, seminars and trainings jointly with representatives of armed forces and civilian personnel to present and discuss IHL as well as to comment on protection of health and medical care. The NS joined and promoted the #NotATarget campaign in 2017 and in 2018, by sharing information and messages, e.g.: