Resolution 4: Health Care in Danger: Continuing to protect the delivery of health care together

Report on resolution 4:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Finland

– Type of entity:  State

What legislative, regulatory and practical measures have you adopted and implemented domestically to ensure the protection of the wounded and sick, health-care personnel, facilities and medical transport, as well as their identification (including through the distinctive emblems)? What about the measures to ensure the violations of international law related to the protection of health-care delivery are effectively sanctioned? Which ministry, government agency, legislative or regulatory organ has been responsible for implementing these measures?

Which concrete actions have you conducted to collect and analyze data related to violence against health care? How did you use this information to develop practical measures to address such violence? 

Which actions have you undertaken to enhance the understanding by health care personnel of their rights and responsibilities resulting from applicable law and to ensure that they can safely fulfil their medical duties in line with their professional codes of ethics? 

How have you been cooperating across various Ministries of Government, and with other relevant stakeholders, including the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, health-care professional associations and civil society, in your country to increase the safety of provision of and access to health care? 
Finland supports all actions, which aim to safeguard the safety of health care personnel both in normal and in emergency conditions. Finland advocates for Universal Health Coverage, including strong health systems that ensure the safety of the health care workers, as a basis for preparedness and resilience of the society. The Alliance for Health Security Cooperation is a platform for cooperation co-chaired by Finland and Australia. It aims to facilitate the mobilization of technical and financial resources and knowledge exchange among countries, international organizations, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations, and discussion of topics such as health workforce and the role of communities in all hazards. There are currently 73 members in this network. The WHO in its Joint External Evaluation process assessed health security in Finland in March 2017. Based on the assessment, Finland developed its national implementation plan for improving health security and the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005). The plan is aligned with the Security Strategy for Society and overseen by the national Security Committee. Finland is also actively participating in international cooperation to reinforce biosafety and biosecurity and to strengthen cooperation between health and defense sectors, among others. To support the delivery of health care in conflict settings, Finland has provided funding to the ongoing Ebola outbreak response in the Democratic Republic of Congo through the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies.

How do you ensure that the protection of the wounded and sick and healthcare services is integrated into training, doctrine and operational orders and procedures for your armed and security forces whether at the national level or in the context of international operations they are contributing to?