Resolution 4: Health Care in Danger: Continuing to protect the delivery of health care together

Report on resolution 4:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Austria

– Type of entity:  State

What legislative, regulatory and practical measures have you adopted and implemented domestically to ensure the protection of the wounded and sick, health-care personnel, facilities and medical transport, as well as their identification (including through the distinctive emblems)? What about the measures to ensure the violations of international law related to the protection of health-care delivery are effectively sanctioned? Which ministry, government agency, legislative or regulatory organ has been responsible for implementing these measures?
The Austrian Armed Forces’ medical service has been upholding the values of the Red Cross Movement for decades and views them as ethical guidelines. In that respect, there was no need to adopt any changes within the medical service since they already adhere to those standards.

How do you ensure that the protection of the wounded and sick and healthcare services is integrated into training, doctrine and operational orders and procedures for your armed and security forces whether at the national level or in the context of international operations they are contributing to?
The protection of the wounded and sick and healthcare services is integrated into the respective curricula at all levels of military education and training of the Austrian Armed Forces.