Resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response

Report on resolution3:

– Date: 01.08.2019

– Country: The Republic of Korea

– Type of entity:  National Society

Does your National Society carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?

To date, which areas of the resolution has your National Society been implementing? 
Implementing activities preventing sexual violence against volunteers, staff and trainers for safety training

– Briefly describe the specific activities that your National Society has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3 
Advise on sexual harassment and prevention of sexual violence while the training for volunteers. The trainers for safety should put his signature to comply with regulation about sexual harassment. When it comes to the training of nurses working in blood drive, KNRC conducted special training to support management of stress relief in 2017. There were 16 participants from various working offices. Furthermore, KNRC added special lines to be in line with government law, Preventive measures for health disturbance caused by customer abuse. – Activities for Red Cross staff: In order to contribute to the gender equality through prevention of sexual harassment and sexual violence, KNRC conducted gender equality consulting and operated diversity committee. Secondly, KNRC conducted the each prevention education per year related to the four major violence(sexual harassment, sexual violence, prostitution and demotic violence). For the last, KNRC is designated the staff in the responsibility of counseling on sexual harassment and sexual violence in working place.

Briefly describe any challenges that your National Society may have faced when implementing Resolution 3, or which prevented you from implementing it 
– It is not easy to understand the opinion from each staff
– There is preference to deal with it with informal procedure because it has high risk of send-hand damages while it progressed

Is there any support you would like to receive from the ICRC or International Federation in working on the implementation of the Resolution going forward? 
Sharing the good practices reflecting the this resolution