
Resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response

Report on resolution 3:

– Date: 28.07.2019

– Country: Italy

– Type of entity:  National Society

Does your National Society carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?

To date, which areas of the resolution has your National Society been implementing? 
sexual and gender-based violence especially with regard to prevention and support for victims

Briefly describe the specific activities that your National Society has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3 
In the last two years, the Italian Red Cross has been working on sexual and gender-based violence especially with regard to prevention and support for victims. Awareness-raising projects among young people have been implemented in the schools and a research study on gender discrimination and its psycho-social effects on migrants and asylum seekers has been conducted. Anti-violence centres, throughout the national territory, offer psychological and legal support, and counselling services for victims of violence. The Technical Committee for Victims of Violence, set up in 2017, has been working on guidelines in order to unify local branches’ activity in this area. In addition, and for the purpose of applying the zero-tolerance criteria for sexual exploitation and abuse of beneficiaries, on 9 November 2018, the National Society reviewed the “Ethical Code, Disciplinary Measures and Disciplinary Colleges’ (approved on 21 December 2016), with the aim of enforcing system to ensure procedures and behaviours to prevent unlawful or illicit activities, and to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of the administrative action, and the quality of the regulation, aiming at addressing the needs of the communities involved, informing them of all behaviours and standards that can be expected from all volunteers, staff and anyone else working on behalf of the Italian Red Cross. Finally, the Italian Red Cross has been fully engaged in networking and collaboration to raise awareness between volunteers and staff with the aim to understand and recognize risk situations in each type (direct or indirect), form (sexual, physical, psychological, economic…) and dimension (domestic, in the workplace…) of violence.

Briefly describe any challenges that your National Society may have faced when implementing Resolution 3, or which prevented you from implementing it 
No significant challenge has been faced.

Is there any support you would like to receive from the ICRC or International Federation in working on the implementation of the Resolution going forward? 
The current support received from other members of the Movement in this area is satisfactory.