Resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response
Report on resolution 3:
– Date: 30.07.2019
– Country: Switzerland
– Type of entity: National Society
– Does your National Society carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?
– To date, which areas of the resolution has your National Society been implementing?
In Switzerland: SGBV is not one of the core themes of Swiss RC in Switzerland. In its domestic activities, gender is mainly an issue in regard to social integration with a specific focus on migrants and refugees.
International cooperation: In its projects and programs Swiss RC supports health projects, in particular also Sexual Reproductive Health and Psycho Social Support projects that directly address SGBV issues.
– Briefly describe the specific activities that your National Society has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3
Office and guidelines for staff and volunteers:
– SRC dispose of many tools, e.g. integrity provisions in the staff regulations, several ethical codices, specific Code of Conduct for travels abroad, implementation of new ZEWO* standards from 2016, and collaboration with safe call to report incidents. * ZEWO is setting standards, monitors and certifies Swiss charities. International cooperation:
– In its international cooperation (IC) projects, Swiss RC takes gender aspects into account. 2018: the IC department had a slight increase in human resources (30%) and realized a self-assessment of G&D implementation (IFRC Organizational G&D assessment tool); intense discussion. As a conclusion of the assessment the SRC IC decided to include G&D and IFRC tools more systematically in all its activities and organizational structure; more G&D mainstreaming.
– Sexual Reproductive Health and Psycho Social Support projects include gender-based violence according to the context. In its WASH and other projects, Swiss RC also takes into account gender-specific approaches and supports and implements, for example, menstrual hygiene rooms and specific sanitation needs in its WASH projects.
– Gender and gender-based violence will be more in the focus of the SRC international cooperation in the coming years.
– Swiss RC is part of the IFRC Network on Diversity and Gender. Domestic activities:
-Gender is a component of the Swiss RC strategic project on “social integration” and its specific action plan on “people migrating”.
– In the domestic context SRC developed the pilot project “traumatized young refugees” and is currently implementing it. SRC also developed advanced training modules for volunteers and other target groups who are confronted with traumatized young refugees in Switzerland. These modules contain gender-specific content, especially knowledge on sexual and gender-based violence and its consequences.
– Also, in the newly developed SRC psycho-social program for young traumatized refugees, we will offer gender-specific courses depending on demand.
-In our “Outpatient Clinic for Victims of Torture and War”, SRC offers women-specific therapy groups, in which they also speak about sexual and gender-based violence.
– 2018: Gender & Diversity as focus topic & cross-cutting theme within SRC Headquarters (several information events, e.g. on implementation of SDG 5; Gender mainstreaming in programs, projects & services).
Briefly describe any challenges that your National Society may have faced when implementing Resolution 3, or which prevented you from implementing it
In spite of the fact that Swiss RC signed the gender pledge at the IC 2011, there is limited awareness about this important subject in SRC projects and services. SRC is continuously working on this issue, several activities and sensitization initiatives are planned. Also through the activities of the SRC Sounding Board on Gender & Diversity.
– Is there any support you would like to receive from the ICRC or International Federation in working on the implementation of the Resolution going forward?
In the national context we would be glad to receive all the strategic documents dealing with gender and gender mainstreaming that the ICRC has produced. Some of them we found on the net.
– Country: Switzerland
– Type of entity: National Society
– Does your National Society carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?
– To date, which areas of the resolution has your National Society been implementing?
In Switzerland: SGBV is not one of the core themes of Swiss RC in Switzerland. In its domestic activities, gender is mainly an issue in regard to social integration with a specific focus on migrants and refugees.
International cooperation: In its projects and programs Swiss RC supports health projects, in particular also Sexual Reproductive Health and Psycho Social Support projects that directly address SGBV issues.
– Briefly describe the specific activities that your National Society has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3
Office and guidelines for staff and volunteers:
– SRC dispose of many tools, e.g. integrity provisions in the staff regulations, several ethical codices, specific Code of Conduct for travels abroad, implementation of new ZEWO* standards from 2016, and collaboration with safe call to report incidents. * ZEWO is setting standards, monitors and certifies Swiss charities. International cooperation:
– In its international cooperation (IC) projects, Swiss RC takes gender aspects into account. 2018: the IC department had a slight increase in human resources (30%) and realized a self-assessment of G&D implementation (IFRC Organizational G&D assessment tool); intense discussion. As a conclusion of the assessment the SRC IC decided to include G&D and IFRC tools more systematically in all its activities and organizational structure; more G&D mainstreaming.
– Sexual Reproductive Health and Psycho Social Support projects include gender-based violence according to the context. In its WASH and other projects, Swiss RC also takes into account gender-specific approaches and supports and implements, for example, menstrual hygiene rooms and specific sanitation needs in its WASH projects.
– Gender and gender-based violence will be more in the focus of the SRC international cooperation in the coming years.
– Swiss RC is part of the IFRC Network on Diversity and Gender. Domestic activities:
-Gender is a component of the Swiss RC strategic project on “social integration” and its specific action plan on “people migrating”.
– In the domestic context SRC developed the pilot project “traumatized young refugees” and is currently implementing it. SRC also developed advanced training modules for volunteers and other target groups who are confronted with traumatized young refugees in Switzerland. These modules contain gender-specific content, especially knowledge on sexual and gender-based violence and its consequences.
– Also, in the newly developed SRC psycho-social program for young traumatized refugees, we will offer gender-specific courses depending on demand.
-In our “Outpatient Clinic for Victims of Torture and War”, SRC offers women-specific therapy groups, in which they also speak about sexual and gender-based violence.
– 2018: Gender & Diversity as focus topic & cross-cutting theme within SRC Headquarters (several information events, e.g. on implementation of SDG 5; Gender mainstreaming in programs, projects & services).
Briefly describe any challenges that your National Society may have faced when implementing Resolution 3, or which prevented you from implementing it
In spite of the fact that Swiss RC signed the gender pledge at the IC 2011, there is limited awareness about this important subject in SRC projects and services. SRC is continuously working on this issue, several activities and sensitization initiatives are planned. Also through the activities of the SRC Sounding Board on Gender & Diversity.
– Is there any support you would like to receive from the ICRC or International Federation in working on the implementation of the Resolution going forward?
In the national context we would be glad to receive all the strategic documents dealing with gender and gender mainstreaming that the ICRC has produced. Some of them we found on the net.