Resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response

Report on resolution 3:

– Date: 31.07.2019

– Country: Finland

– Type of entity:  States

Does your government carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?

To date, which areas of the resolution has your government been implementing? 
Prevention, protection and access to justice, support for victims, comprehensive approach.

Briefly describe the specific activities that your government has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3 
Work against sexual and gender based violence is a thematic priority for Finland. This is highlighted in the result-oriented National Action Plan 2018-2021 for the effective implementation of the UNSCR Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
Armed conflicts are often accompanied by a dramatic increase in gender-based violence, including sexual violence. Finland actively works towards eliminating violence and emphasizes the importance of justice and accountability for crimes of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) occurring in conflict situations. Finland supports the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its work in the fight against impunity for crimes under its jurisdiction. Finland is taking measures to strengthen the status of victims and providing funds for the ICC Trust Fund for Victims so that the victims of SGBV crimes can receive assistance.
Finland has in 2017 made a 4-year contract of support totaling 800.000 euros for the Trust Fund to be targeted at victims of SGBV in Sub-Saharan Africa. Finland is supporting the Justice Rapid Response Mechanism, which trains experts in investigating, for example, SGBV crimes and maintains a list of experts that are prepared, at short notice, to assist countries and international organizations by their request in the investigation of these crimes. Finland highlights the fact that sexual violence against women, and sexual violence in conflict, must be confronted in an increasingly effective manner. We emphasize that SGBV should be addressed in a comprehensive way, seeing women as powerful agents of change rather than just victims. Finnish military and civilian crisis management personnel both follow the Code of Conduct adopted by the crisis management operation/mission and the Finnish authorities. All exploitation cases shall be investigated in accordance with Finnish law. Finland applies zero tolerance to sexual exploitation and abuse. All Finnish soldiers participating in crisis management operations get a lecture on conduct and discipline in pre-deployment training. More detailed report is attached.

Resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response