Report on resolution 7: Strengthening the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement response to growing humanitarian needs – Croatian Red Cross

Report on resolution 7:

– Date: 17.10.2019

– Country: Croatia

– Type of entity:  National Society

What measures has your National Society taken to raise awareness and disseminate the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules) within the National Society? Please tick the appropriate box below. You can tick more than one box.
• Dissemination of the Principles and Rules to NS staff and volunteers

• Training/ workshop/integration of the Principles and Rules into training

• Peer to peer exchange (e.g. with other National Society) via the sub regional Neighbours Help First (NHF) initiative that was launched by the Croatian Red Cross in 2017, and whose purpose is help coordinate and assist member NSs in risk reduction, disaster preparedness, in the organization of relief operations in a time of disaster, in addition to “bringing relief by all available means to all disaster-affected persons,” in accordance with the Principles and Rules outlined by the IFRC Secretariat.

• The NHF was created for all of the aforementioned purposes, and, using the Principles as a template, focusing on Principles 4 (We have the duty to bring humanitarian assistance to those in need. We partner with states, which have the primary responsibility to meet the needs of disaster-affected people in their countries.), 6 (We increase and expand our assistance through mobilising our network. We commit that all international assistance provided by a National Society or the International Federation is with the consent of the National Society of the disaster-affected country.), 7 (We are each other’s primary and preferred partners. We pursue operational partnerships with external actors – consistent with our Fundamental Principles – to further increase operational reach, scale and effectiveness.), 8 (We ensure that our assistance is appropriate, efficient, effective, and accountable, and we support the transition from relief to recovery for disaster affected people.) and 10 (We provide international assistance that builds upon local capacities and complements local response mechanisms, contributing to preparedness for possible future disasters and strengthening long-term resilience.).  

• The NHF also draws upon the Rules outlined in the Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance between and among NSs and IFRC, systematizing and streamlining preparedness, coordinating requests for assistance in addition to facilitating a coordinated and principled response.
• The NHF realizes the four points of focus of the SMCC process – 1.  Strengthening leadership and coordination roles; 2. Scaling up the Movement’s operational preparedness, response and recovery work through better coordinated and aligned operational plans, tools and mechanisms; 3. Promoting coherent and well-coordinated internal and external communications; 4. Exploring new Movement-wide resource-mobilization approaches. The NHF is in line with the 2015 Council of Delegates Resolution 1, Strengthening Movement Coordination and Cooperation (SMCC): optimizing the Movement’s humanitarian response (CD/15/R1), and sees to the implementation of all of the optimization findings.
• The CRC has, in accordance with the NHF network, assisted neighbouring Bosnia Herzegovina’s Red Cross Society through trainings and employee / NS knowledge-sharing – both in the CRC’s headquarters and on the ground, with a special focus on communications, psychosocial support and restoring family links, with the CRC sharing its experiences from the 2015 migrant crisis and its ongoing care  in reception centres for migrants and asylum seekers across Croatia.

Has your National Society engaged with the public authorities regarding dissemination and implementation of the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance” (Principles and Rules)? Please tick the appropriate box below

If yes, please describe the activities undertaken: 
Yes, by involving the state and competent authorities as important stakeholders in coordination during emergency and in preparatory activities aiming to facilitate import custom procedures, tax exemption, cross-border and in-country movement of relief goods and equipment. In addition, the CRC takes part in regular meetings, in addition to annual training exercises with the Ministry of Interior / Civil Protection Directorate, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Health, and all other components of – and in accordance to – the Republic of Croatia’s Homeland Security strategy.